Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lecture 7

This image shows the division between light and dark space. My whole concept explores the division between 2 mediums - by sinking down through the earth and into water; division between two contrasting results from the same idea as expressed in the quote - "Alfred Nobel's discoveries are characteristic; powerful explosives can help men perform admirable tasks. they are also a means to terrible destruction in the hands of the great criminals who lead people to war." In my UT2004 model, I have used contrasting light to highlight this division present throughout my space.
I have translated this idea of 'division' to my lab carved inside the wall (for Alfred Nobel) literally by dividing the space in two with an indentation. The slanted walls emphasises on the line of division. There are 2 lines that follow through up and down the whole wall along the same division. They represent the duality of the quote, where 2 contrasting results can come from the same idea.

This division also continues through the ramp. The beam of red light that runs along the line highlights this duality.

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